Following common parliamentary law, the District's Secretary:
- In absence of Chair, calls Board meetings to order & Immediately conducts election of Chair pro tem
- Assists Chair preparing Board meeting agendas & posts agendas
- Maintain official roll of Directors
- Keeps legal record of proceedings of all Board meetings
- Prepares & presents Board meetings minutes to Board for approval
- Possess & protect corporate seal & use seal to attest official Board acts, orders, & proceedings
- Call roll when requested by Chair
- Notify officers, committees, & Directors-Elect of their election or appointment
- Notify Directors of special meetings or changes in meeting dates or times
- Keep a record of all District, certificates, contracts, bonds given by employees & record of corporate acts
- Receive official correspondence, e.g., report from Verification Board, certain citizen petitions, etc.
Click here for full Position/Role Description